Source code for potc.testing.trans

import copy
import io
from contextlib import contextmanager
from functools import lru_cache
from typing import Mapping, Any

def _transobj_func():
    from ..translate import transobj
    return transobj

def _transvars_func():
    from ..translate import transvars
    return transvars

def run_script(source: str) -> Mapping[str, Any]:
    vs = {key: value for key, value in globals().items() if key.startswith('__') and key.endswith('__')}
    exec('', vs)
    original_vs = copy.copy(vs)
    exec(source, vs)

    return {
        key: value for key, value in vs.items() if
        key not in original_vs.keys() or original_vs[key] is not vs[key]


[docs]@contextmanager def transobj_assert(obj: object, trans=None): """ Overview: Assertion-based test for :func:`potc.translate.quick.transobj` function. This function is managed by ``contextmanager``, so you can use it with a ``with`` block. Arguments: - obj (:obj:`object`): Object to be translated - trans: Translator to be used. See :func:`potc.translate.quick.transobj`. Examples:: >>> with transobj_assert([1, -2, 3.2, '1234']) as obj, name: ... assert obj == [1, -2, 3.2, '1234'] ... assert name == 'builtin_list' .. note:: When this function is called, the translated object code will be dumped into \ a python file and then import from it, so please **make sure the code you created \ can be supported by standard python grammar**. """ _code, _addon, _name = _transobj_func()(obj, trans) with io.StringIO() as _source_file: for _import in sorted(set(_addon.import_items), key=lambda x: x.key): print(_import, file=_source_file) print(f'{_TEST_OBJ} = {_code}', file=_source_file) _source_code = _source_file.getvalue() _changes = run_script(_source_code) _obj = _changes[_TEST_OBJ] yield _obj, _name
[docs]@contextmanager def transvars_assert(vars_: Mapping[str, Any], trans=None, reformat=None, isort: bool = True): r""" Overview: Assertion-based test for :func:`potc.translate.quick.transvars` function. This function is managed by ``contextmanager``, so you can use it with a ``with`` block. Arguments: - vars\_ (:obj:`Mapping[str, Any]`): The items to be translated, should be a mapping contains \ all the values and their names. - trans: Translator to be used. See :func:`potc.translate.quick.transvars`. - reformat: Reformatter to be used. See :func:`potc.translate.quick.transvars`. - isort (:obj:`bool`): Sort the import statements. See :func:`potc.translate.quick.transvars`. Examples:: >>> with transvars_assert({ ... 'a': 233, ... 'b': [1, 2, 3, {'x': 1}], ... }) as (v, code): ... assert v == { # v is the mapping of the values ... 'a': 233, ... 'b': [1, 2, 3, {'x': 1}], ... } ... assert 'import' not in code # code is the dumped source code .. note:: When this function is called, the translated object code will be dumped into \ a python file and then import from it, so please **make sure the code you created \ can be supported by standard python grammar**. """ _code, _addons = _transvars_func()(vars_, trans, reformat, isort) _changes = run_script(_code) assert '__all__' in _changes.keys(), f"No {repr('__all__')} variable found." _vars = {key: _changes[key] for key in _changes['__all__']} yield _vars, _code